
Sigrid Lindemann

Sigrid has developed Integral Regression Therapy, based on  25 years clinical experience, her teacher training in transpersonal regression therapy (EKAA), and based on the Integral Yoga as described by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.  Sigrids background comprises of multiple healing modalities, notably trauma therapy and regression therapy since 2012.

Sigrid is a senior faculty in classical homeopathy-  “Sensation Method” (Dr. Sankaran, Mumbai), teaching homeopathic doctors in Germany yearly since 2004, and associated with WISH, an international homeopathic education platform.

She is highly experienced in giving interactive seminars, experiential learning workshops, video seminars and weeklong retreats. Sigrid offers deeply transformative sessions, and intensive co- learning spaces.

Sigrid offers sessions in Integral Regression Therapy, professional training in Integral Regression Therapy, workshop “Transforming Trauma”, “Explore your mind – intro to Hypnotherapy and guided group session “Journey to the soul”. Webinars “Art of Dying“, “Exploring Past Lives“, “The incarnating Soul”, “Inner Child Work

Sigrid joined Auroville more than 30 years ago, and has travelled extensively in India.

Languages spoken are English, German, French


  • Spoken Languages – English, French & German