Integral Yoga: A holistic discipline which aims to realize the divine integrally as well as collectively, in the inner as the outer world.
The pursuit of knowledge, love and service culminating into self-perfection is its method.
Sri Aurobindo wrote about a life-oriented spirituality. According to him life is meant to manifest a divine life upon earth. His Integral yoga is a practice for the transformation and ultimate divinization of one’s nature. Healing and strengthening are gradually achieved by learning self-offering.
Ashesh Joshi is a long-term student of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and loves to share his humble understanding of the Integral yoga. Along with his partner Vera Joshi he has conducted over 1500 Inner-Work-Workshops and retreats in Auroville and around the world.
Join Ashesh on Tuesdays from 9 AM – 12 noon in Auromodele.
Ashesh Joshi, a devoted student of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, shares his understanding of Integral yoga through Inner-Work-Workshops held in Auroville and worldwide. Rooted in Sri Aurobindo’s vision, these workshops offer lectures, discussions, and creative activities to inspire spiritual clarity and joy. Participants gain insight into Integral yoga’s transformative potential and are encouraged to further explore its profound philosophy. Ashesh also authored “An Introduction to the Integral Yoga,” providing a concise overview of this spiritual path.