Latest Past Events

Exploring Past Lives Webinar

We invite you to explore the topic of Pastlives in light of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother's Philosophy. In these wbinars, we will share the value of Pastlives therapy in psychotherapy and energy work. In this short introduction, you will gather an insight into the hidden source of some your present day beliefs, psychological movements […]

The Language of Pain Webinar

An integral approach to healing is a way to discover the language of our subconscious expressing through the body, mind and emotions.Sigrid Lindemann is sharing her 25 years’ experience, working as a homoeopath with the ‘Sensation Method’, an advanced method listening deeply to the subjective experience of pain.Furthermore Sigrid has created “Integral Regression Therapy”, and […]

Exploring the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo


Integral Yoga: A holistic discipline which aims to realize the divine integrally as well as collectively, in the inner as the outer world.The pursuit of knowledge, love and service culminating into self-perfection is its method.Sri Aurobindo wrote about a life-oriented spirituality. According to him life is meant to manifest a divine life upon earth. His […]