Courses & Workshops
Transformational Life Coaching with Sandyra Andrassy

In-person or online session
Transformational Life Coaching:
Do you want to experience flow and move through life with ease and joy? You might feel stuck in some aspect of your life and want to transform this energy of ‘stuck-ness’ into a powerful way forward. If the calling for liberation and expansiveness is strong inside you, then this coaching session is for you.
This session combines different tools, such as the Flow Game, Oracle or Tarot Cards, Body movement, Sound, Intuition, Deep Listening and Deep Self-Inquiry. The skilled practitioner guides you into a deep connection with the wisdom of your soul and helps you to unleash your intuition. You will experience the magic of dropping into your soul frequency and connecting to your soul purpose. The results are often experienced as being quick and profound, unexpected and clear, and practical — such that you can find yourself moving towards a powerful new expression of yourself.
Areas of life you might want to receive more clarity or an internal shift in:
Life Purpose, Health & Wellbeing, Spiritual Growth, Relationship, Family, Finances or you might want to look into your emotional, mental, social life or the quality of your life
Deep Transformational Coaching – 3 sessions:
Transformation, Blossoming and Energetic Healing / Integration of the New
● 1st session: Transforming, moving out of feeling stuck, opening up to the new horizon
● 2nd session: Blossoming, unfolding the New, stepping full-heartedly into the expansion
● 3rd session: Integrating on a deep energetic level. In this session, we combine the insights received from the Coaching sessions with Energy Healing. The way forward is integrated on a high frequency level, and blockages released.
Coaching Background:
● Integral Enlightenment with Graig Hamilton, 1 year
● Virtual Coach with Eben Pagan, 1 year
● Lifebook, Your Life – Your Masterpiece with Mindvalley
● Vedic Astrology, 2 years with Vikram Devatha
● Flow Game Host
● Theory U with Otto Scharmer, Leading from the Future as it Emerges
Spoken Languages:
English & German
“I had an amazing, insightful and transformative experience with the coaching session held by Sandyra. She brought me to the core question of what was alive for me at that moment and helped me understand deeper the shift I needed to go through to move towards a more expanded version of myself!” – Elisa, 48

Therapist & Venue

Sandyra Andrassy
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