All We Offer

Body in Light - Energy Healing Workshop

Upcoming Workshop Date: February 14th to 16th 2025, 3 Days 9 am to 5 pm

Find more info in our brochure here:
Do you want to step into the harmonious frequency of the Universe? Are you ready to transform into a new, shining, powerful being? In this 3-day workshop we explore with joy the 3 paths to ascension:
  • Healing old pains, patterns and programming
  • Aligning to your Divine Essence
  • Tuning into mystical moments of realization by stepping into the frequency of the four powers of the Divine Mother: Wisdom, Harmony, Strength & Creation

Dive into powerful techniques for self-healing. Explore Fundamentals, Principles and Universal Laws of energy healing.


“Many blockages within me were released, and I was taken on a deep journey into my inner universe. Sandyra has a very positive, luminous, and loving presence, which made it easy for me to open up for inner processes. After the workshop, I had a lot more energy for several weeks. All in all, it was a very transformative and profound experience.” – Luise

“I couldn’t believe that a two-day workshop can make such a deep change. I can feel an increase in the flow of my energy. I feel more centered and focused, a sense of inner peace.” – Parisa

“It was like a powerful emotional awakening and internal energy balance. I learned to slowly listen to the energetic flow within me, which moves in harmony with this wonderful Earth and the entire universe. I believe the workshop could be beneficial for others to resolve many of their physical problems from an energetic and inner healing perspective. I would also recommend this course because it provides everyone with an inner space where our awareness, combined with the divine, can make us feel and see ourselves in a clearer light, honesty, and closeness to our energetic awareness.” – Gabriele

With: Sandyra


February 14th to 16th 2025, 3 Days

March 7-9th 2025, 3 Days

Time: 9am – 5pm
Venue: Bhumika Hall or Tibetan Pavilion
Register: Fill out this form here at the earliest to register:

Also available on Request: You can request a special workshop for your organisation/community.

Therapist & Venue