Professional Trainings & Webinars

Exploring the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo with Ashesh Joshi

Integral yoga: A holistic discipline which aims to realise the divine integrally as well as collectively, in the inner as the outer world.

The pursuit of knowledge, love and service culminating into self-perfection is its method.

Session are Tuesdays 9 AM – 12 noon

Webinars 25, 26, 27 July

25th  Sri Aurobindo’s Vision and philosophy

26th  July, Thursday: General Introduction to the Integral Yoga

27th July, Friday: Practice of the Integral Yoga

Ashesh was an inmate of Sri Aurobindo Ashram from 1987 to 2007 when he joined Auroville.

Since then he has conducted over a thousand workshops around the world introducing Sri Aurobindo’s teaching.

Registration WA 9626006961

Therapist & Venue

Ashesh Joshi

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